Welcome to CEIPI in DenmarkWelcome to the website of the Copenhagen tutorial group of the CEIPI basic training. This website is produced and maintained by the Copenhagen Group. CEIPI is an international (and more particularly, pan-European) Institute, located within the Université Robert Schuman, in Strasbourg. The object of the Basic Training Course is to provide a common level of education in European patent law and practice across the whole of Europe, and CEIPI Basic Training Course tutorial groups exist in many major cities of Europe. In Denmark, the tutorial group runs in Copenhagen. Information about how to register to the CEIPI basic training can each year be found in the Official Journal of the EPO, normally in the April issue. If you are interested in joining the groups, or have questions about CEIPI, please contact us. We are currently looking for two new tutors. If you are interested in joining our group please send an email to Lotte Vinggaard Andreasen including a short description of your competences and your interest in our group. Please send your email no later than 17 January 2025. |